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Tumbo Pomaga


About Tumbo Pomaga

Po śmierci bliskiej osoby nic już nie jest takie, jak było. Program „Tumbo Pomaga” powstał, by pomóc dzieciom i młodzieży w żałobie oraz ich rodzicom, opiekunom i nauczycielom, którzy towarzyszą im w tych trudnych chwilach.

English translation: After the death of a loved one, nothing is as it was. Tumbo Helps was created to help children and young people in mourning as well as their parents, guardians and teachers who accompany them in these difficult times.

Where is Tumbo Pomaga available?

Available nationwide in Poland

Who does Tumbo Pomaga support?

Parents, children, and youth

What languages does Tumbo Pomaga support?


What can I talk to Tumbo Pomaga about?

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